
Hauora Life Clover Honey is sourced from the attractive clover flowers (Trifolium repens) growing in the vast unpolluted, clean, and remote clover fields of the Canterbury Plains, New Zealand.

Clover is one of New Zealand's favourite honeys. Pale gold in colour, it has a clean mild, traditional flavour and comes in both creamed and liquid forms, with the creamed form known for its ‘fudge-like’ characteristics. It is a favourite for spread on toast.

Clover honey is a traditional farm honey from both the North and South Island, and there can be marked differences depending on where the honey is from, for example, Clover from Canterbury where our honey is from is white in colour, whereas Clover from the north can often be much darker.

Clover Flower
Our Clover Range


Hauora Life Honeydew comes from the beech trees (Fagus) of New Zealand. The beech forests attract aphids which eat the sap on the bark for protein building blocks, amino acids and then secrete sugar-like substance on the trees which sparkles in the sunlight, hence the name "honeydew". The bees love the honeydew and feed on it to culminate into a spectacular product, making it uniquely different from regular honey made from the flower blossom nectar.  

It is also called ‘forest honey’, ‘pine honey’ or ‘fir honey’. Honeydew is medium-dark amber in colour and tastes complex and treacly. Some have described its flavour as being like ‘fruit cake’. Apples, pears, and blue cheeses match well with Honeydew and it can be a great addition to marinades.

Honeydew is known to be one of the most unique, most intriguingly exotic kinds of honey in the world. It has been acclaimed as special honey even among the specialities.

Beechwood Honeydew
Our Honeydew Range