Organic Story

Hauora Life - Organic Certification
Hauora Life - Beekeeper
What makes organic honey different from the natural honey?

The simple answer is “there are no chemical residues in organic honey”. However, that does not tell the full story. Producing organic food is much more than simply avoiding agricultural chemicals. It is about total product integrity, from the very beginning of production up until the point of sale.

To gain Certified Organic status, our honey must meet several criteria before gaining certification. The main criteria are:

  • Beehives must be sited more than 3km from any areas of intensive agriculture.
  • The vegetation surrounding the beehives must be primarily “spontaneous vegetation”.
  • The bees’ winter feed honey cannot be replaced with sugar syrup (a common practice in conventional beekeeping). The honeybees must be left with enough honey for themselves.
  • All honey we produce must be traceable back to the producing beehives (no bulk blending or cross blending).
  • No synthetic chemicals or any types of antibiotics to be used in the organic beehives (again, common practices in conventional beekeeping).
  • Honey must never be heated above 37ºC, to protect the natural properties such as enzymes.
  • Synthetic chemicals of any sort must never have been used within the beehives or equipment.

Many beekeepers make a cynical attempt to capitalise on unsuspecting consumers by putting the word “organic” in their brand. You, the consumer, must ensure that your food clearly says it is “certified organic”. Otherwise, you simply pay extra for mainstream food. Our organic honey is tested and certified for its quality beekeeping practices.