Welcome to Hauora Life’s website. These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of:

(a)  the Hauora Life website at www.hauoralife.co.nz (“website”).
(b)  any other Hauora Life website, page or application used to gather your details or send you email notifications relating to Hauora Life and its products; and
(c)  any social media website or page, containing pages or content established by, or associated with Hauora Life, including, but not limited to:
     (i)  Facebook and
     (ii)  Instagram (“the Internet Sites”).


By accessing or using any one or more of the Internet Sites you are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you must cease accessing the Internet Sites immediately.


As well as these Terms and Conditions the Privacy Policy also applies to you and your use of the Internet Sites. Please ensure you read the Privacy Policy in conjunction with these Terms and Conditions. By accessing the Internet Sites you are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy as well as these Terms and Conditions. In addition, if you are purchasing goods from the Website (“Goods”) you should ensure you read the Terms of Purchase as these will govern the purchase of any Goods you make.


Hauora Life reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately upon being placed on the Website. Your continued use of the Internet Sites following such amendments being placed on the Website will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as amended. Such amendments may include replacing these Terms and Conditions with entirely new Terms and Conditions.


Unless otherwise stated, Hauora Life is the owner of, or otherwise has the right to use, all copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights relating to Hauora Life, its related companies, or the Goods on the Internet Sites. This includes without limitation all intellectual property rights in respect of all text, graphics, logos, images, and any downloads that may be offered on the Internet Sites. Hauora Life’s ownership in such intellectual property is protected by both New Zealand and international law.

For the avoidance of doubt, Hauora Life are trademarks of Kairos Enterprises Limited and Hauora Life is lawfully entitled to use these trademarks.


Hauora Life grants you a limited license (“License”) for the purpose of learning about Hauora Life and its products, registering, ordering, and paying for Hauora Life products, and making personal use of the Internet Sites. Any contravention by you of these Terms and Conditions terminates the License immediately.

Under no circumstances, without the prior written approval of Hauora Life, may you adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Internet Sites other than in accordance with the License. You shall not use any data gathering and extraction tools or software to extract information from the Internet Sites. You shall not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any of the contents of the Internet Sites without Hauora Life’s express prior permission. You may not use any meta-tags or other hidden text which incorporate Hauora Life’s name or any of its intellectual property including trademarks without Hauora Life’s express prior permission.

You agree to fully indemnify Hauora Life for any loss or damage it may suffer in contract, tort, equity, statue, regulation or otherwise, including without limitation any economic loss, loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill, whether direct or consequential, in respect of any third party claims against Hauora Life its related parties, employees, contractors or agents, that may arise as a result of your breach of the License.


If you are granted permission by Hauora Life to use any content from the Internet Sites other than for personal use, subject to any contrary agreement you reach with Hauora Life, you must ensure that all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices contained in the content are retained.


While Hauora Life endeavours to take all reasonable and appropriate care in the preparation of the content on the Internet Sites and has no reason to believe that any information contained on the Internet Sites is inaccurate, Hauora Life does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of such information or that such information is error free.

Hauora Life does not undertake to keep the Internet Sites updated, Hauora Life does not accept liability for any loss or damage which may result either directly or indirectly from reliance by you upon the accuracy or currency of information contained on the Internet Sites including without limitation where such loss or damage is a result of or contributed to by the negligence of Hauora Life.


The following provisions apply to any comments, statements, blogs, feedback, or interactions that you wish to post and are posted (“Posts”) on any of the Internet Sites:
(a)  Hauora Life reserves the right without notice or explanation to:
      (i)  not allow the posting of any specific Post; and
      (ii)  edit any specific Post; or
      (iii)  remove any Post;
(b)  Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter or discriminatory remarks of any nature will not be tolerated;
(c)  You agree to indemnify Hauora Life on demand for any loss or costs of whatever nature suffered by Hauora Life whether direct or consequential as a result of any breach by you of the paragraphs a. and b. above.


Hauora Life has very strict policies in place which govern Posts on the Internet Sites by users. These policies are intended to ensure that only fair, factual and accurate comments and statements are posted by users.

If you believe that any Post included on any of the Internet Sites is inaccurate or inappropriate then please contact us immediately and we will do our best to resolve the issue.


Hauora Life can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 21 0873 6242
Mail: Hauora Life, PO Box 1376, Christchurch Central, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand


Unless explicitly stated otherwise the comments or statements posted on the Internet Sites by others do not represent the opinions of Hauora Life regardless of whether Hauora Life may have edited or formatted such comments or statements in the course of their being posted on the Internet Sites.


To the best of Hauora Life’s knowledge, all comments or statements made on the Internet Sites represent the genuine opinion of the authors of such comments or statements.


The Internet Sites may contain links to other websites (“Linked websites”). Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. Hauora Life is not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with linked websites.

Our links with Linked Websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval, or recommendation by use of the owners or operators of those Linked Websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those Linked Websites including further links contained on those Linked Websites, unless and to the extent stipulated to the contrary.

The Internet Sites may contain information which is obtained from third parties and which those third parties or Hauora Life may post on the Internet Sites from time to time. Such information is provided for convenience only and Hauora Life does not necessarily endorse the products or services referred to in the information.


Hauora Life requires that you obtain the prior written approval of Hauora Life before providing any link to the Website. Where such approval is given, you further agree that you will not use any Hauora Life logo, trademark, or other proprietary graphic as part of such link without the express prior approval of Hauora Life.


You must take you own precautions to ensure that the process which you employ for accessing the Internet Sites, and/or downloading any information from the Internet Sites, does not expose you to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage your computer system, telecommunication equipment or other property. Hauora Life does not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your computer system or telecommunication equipment which may arise in connection with your use of the Internet Sites or any linked website.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, in relation to your access and use of the Internet Sites any condition or warranty either express or which would otherwise be implied by law into these Terms and Conditions is hereby excluded.

Hauora Life further notes that the information accessed through the Internet Sites is to inform you of Hauora Life’s range of products and their use. Hauora Life does not engage in offering professional medical or health advice. The information accessed through the Internet Sites is not intended to be complete or diagnose or treat a health problem or disease.

If you have a health problem or suspect you have a health problem, please consult your health adviser.


Under no circumstances will Hauora Life, its employees or its agents be liable to you in contract, tort, equity, statue, regulation or otherwise for any loss, damage, costs, legal costs, professional and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by you or by any other third party, whether direct or consequential (including without limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill) arising out of any dispute or contractual, tortious or other claims or proceedings made by or brought against you which relate in any way to your access and use of the Internet Sites or in respect of any failure or omission on the part of Hauora Life to comply with its obligations as set out in these Terms and Conditions in respect of your access and use of the Internet Sites.


In the event that any limitation or provision contained in these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason and Hauora Life becomes liable for any loss or damage that would otherwise have been excluded, Hauora Life’s maximum liability in contract, tort, equity, statue, regulation or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury directly or indirectly arising in respect of your access and use of the Internet Sites is to be limited to $50 in New Zealand currency.


The Internet Sites are governed by and are to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and in all matters relating to or arising from your use of the Internet Sites, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand.


These Terms and Conditions must be read in addition to the respective terms and conditions governing the use of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as published by the relevant social networking site. By accessing a social networking site you agree to be bound by, and comply with, the terms and conditions of that social networking site, provided that these Terms and Conditions, along with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Purchase, are paramount where there are inconsistencies with the general terms and conditions published by the relevant social networking site.


In the event of any problem with the Internet Sites or any content, you agree that your sole remedy is to cease using the relevant Internet Site.


Hauora Life accepts no liability for any failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions where such failure is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.


If Hauora Life waives any rights available to it under these Terms and Conditions on one occasion, this does not mean that those rights will automatically be waived on any other occasion.


If any of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid, void, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, such provision shall be deemed to be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall continue in force.


In the case of a breach of these Terms and Conditions by you or any other person, Hauora Life is free to decide whether it wishes to take action for such breach, and if so when and how. Hauora Life will not be prevented by passage of time or any other matter, from exercising its rights.


You may not assign any of your rights or obligations pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.


All Hauora Life content on the Internet Sites is protected. Hauora Life Limited is either the owner or licensee of all rights to such content. All such rights are reserved.


If you have any queries in regard to these Terms and Conditions, please don’t hesitate to contact Hauora Life.


The information accessed through:
(a)  The Hauora Life website at www.hauoralife.co.nz.
(b)  Any other Hauora Life website, page or application used to gather your details or send you email notifications relating to Hauora Life and its products; or
(c)  Any social media website or page, containing pages or content established by, or associated with Hauora Life, including but not limited to:
     (i)  Facebook and
     (ii)  Instagram (“the Internet Sites”)

Is to inform you of our range of products and their use. Hauora Life does not engage in offering professional medical or health advice. The information accessed through the Internet Sites is not intended to be complete or to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you have a health problem or suspect you have a health problem, please consult your doctor or health advisor.

Last Updated: 29 March 2021